Services Provided in Bismarck, and Fargo
Whether you are walking into a chiropractic clinic for the first time or have been seeing a chiropractor for years, you probably want to know what it’s like to work with us. The short answer is it’s easy and pretty painless – in fact, it usually lessens your pain within only a session or two. We do this through several services, geared toward a three-step goal of treating your pain, healing your injuries and maintaining your good health over time.
Adjustments at Blue Apple Walk in Chiropractic
Adjustments are a chiropractor’s bread and butter. We provide gentle, healing adjustments of your neck, spine, and joints that put your body back into alignment and allow it to function better.
First, our chiropractors assess the problems you are experiencing and looking for the root cause of each issue. If we need to, we might order more complete diagnostics. Once we have a clear picture of what’s going on, we will begin a course of treatment that seeks to realign your musculoskeletal system to its natural state.
Core Strength Exercises
Once we have a firm grasp on what you’re experiencing, we can start to recommend foundation exercises. These are movements that target specific areas of your body to strengthen them and learn to use them properly. Over time, the movements pull your body back into alignment, strengthen it and help you use it more efficiently.
Routine Corrective Care
Once your injuries have healed and your body is in alignment, routine care helps to ensure that things stay that way. We will see you on a regular basis, assess how everything is going and administer any corrections needed with the goal to keep you healthy and in great shape for the rest of your long life.
Come See Our Trusted Chiropractors in Fargo, and Bismarck Today!
Blue Apple Walk In Chiropractic offers several locations from which to choose, giving us the ability to serve a wider audience and provide quality chiropractic care in a convenient and affordable way in multiple North Dakota and Montana locations. Call (701) 751-1541 for our Bismarck location, and (701) 532-0397 for our office in Fargo.